Iobit uninstaller pro 5.3
Iobit uninstaller pro 5.3

Revo Uninstaller Pro Portable enables you to manage the applications from your computer in an easy, convenient manner. You can view every program that is currently installed on your computer, as well as corrupted entries along with their corresponding junk files and empty registry entries.Īdditionally, you can organize your applications by assigning them to various groups from a list or creating new categories for your items. The main window allows you to navigate through its vast selection of categories effortlessly, by clicking on your desired item. This program features a smooth, user-friendly interface that organizes its functions in a neat manner, thus providing you with high overall accessibility. More so, it does not tamper with any of your Windows' registry entries, nor does it create additional files or folders on your computer. Please note that, since it is a portable application, you do not need to install it.

iobit uninstaller pro 5.3

However, it is possible to turn to third-party software, such as Revo Uninstaller Pro Portable, in order to achieve fast, satisfactory results. Sometimes, attempting to remove certain applications or components from your computer can leave numerous junk files behind, which might be difficult to remove manually.

Iobit uninstaller pro 5.3